Classification of Political Regimes

Data source: Cheibub, Gandhi and Vreeland

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Classification of political regimes as democracy and dictatorship. Classification of democracies as parliamentary, semi-presidential (mixed) and presidential. Classification of dictatorships as military, civilian and royal.

Last updated by source: 2010-09-13

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Cheibub, J. A., Gandhi, J., & Vreeland, J. R. (2010). Democracy and dictatorship revisited. Public Choice, 143(1-2), 67–101.

Variables in this dataset:

QoG Code: chga_demo

A regime is considered a democracy if the executive and the legislature is directly or indirectly elected by popular vote, multiple parties are allowed, there is de facto existence of multiple parties outside of regime front, there are multiple parties within the legislature, and there has been no consolidation of incumbent advantage (e.g. unconstitutional closing of the lower house or extension of incumbent's term by postponing of subsequent elections). Transition years are coded as the regime that emerges in that year. 0. No Democracy 1. Democracy

More about this variable

   Regime Institutions
QoG Code: chga_hinst

Six-fold classification of political regimes: 0. Parliamentary Democracy. 1. Mixed (semi-presidential) democracy. 2. Presidential democracy. 3. Civilian dictatorship. 4. Military dictatorship. 5. Royal dictatorship.

More about this variable